Autoimmune Disease

The number of individuals affected by autoimmune diseases is on the rise globally, with hundreds of thousands of cases in Scotland and rising every year.  There are currently over 100 different types of autoimmune diseases, including Psoriasis, type 1 diabetes, MS, Crohn’s disease, Graves disease, Lupus, and many others. Although autoimmune diseases are complex, systemic inflammation lies at the heart of their development and progression. There is generally no single cause, as the condition can arise from allergens, environmental stressors, pathogenic infections, or exposure to toxins, leading to an abnormal immune response that causes the body to illicit an attack on its tissues.

What we can see from research is that autoimmune disease is often associated with a leaky gut, which triggers responses to foreign proteins that should not be present in the bloodstream causing inflammation in different tissues outside the gut.



Identifying the triggers of autoimmune disease is a complex process that involves an in-depth examination of a patient’s health history. While genetics may play a role, lifestyle, diet, and environment are often greater contributing factors. We also investigate potential infections, particularly viral and bacterial ones that may have gone undiagnosed.

For example, the H pylori bacteria that causes stomach infections has been linked to thyroid autoimmunity. Hashimoto’s has been associated with the hard-to-detect Epstein Barr Virus, Other factors that can trigger autoimmune disease include mold toxicity, long covid, heavy metal toxicity, hormonal imbalances, and mitochondrial dysfunction.

Once we identify the underlying condition or trigger, we can work to correct imbalances and provide support to manage the condition successfully.

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Common Symptoms.

Our objective is to aid you in achieving optimal health and wellbeing.


At the Dublin Centre for Functional Medicine, we strive to understand the underlying imbalance, dysfunction, or trigger that led to the body’s abnormal immune response. We work closely with our patients to conduct a thorough investigation of their health history, which often reveals valuable insights into the cause of the disease.

Unlike conventional medicine, we do not have a one-size-fits-all approach to treatment. Instead, we develop individualized treatment protocols that address the specific needs of each patient. These protocols may involve botanical herbal treatments to address hidden infections, correcting leaky gut, addressing hormonal imbalances, removing environmental toxins, enhancing immune function, and managing stress and the associated HPA imbalance.

Nutrition is a crucial component of our treatment protocols, and we ensure that our patients consume nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods that promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in their microbiome.

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Why Choose the Edinburgh Centre for Functional Medicine?


Each individual is distinct and has a unique set of circumstances. Your symptoms, lifestyle, diet, genetics, and ability to heal are all different and therefore require a personalized approach that is tailored specifically to you


Once you begin the process with us, our collaborative approach with a practitioner will guide you through every step. We will collect the necessary information through detailed intake forms tailor our support to motivate and assist you throughout the process.


Our functional medicine practitioners have years of experience focusing on the route cause of disease that address any imbalances rather than just treating symptonms.