Want To Regain Your Health and Feel Your Best?

At our functional medicine clinic, we are dedicated to empowering our clients on their journey towards optimal health. 


The functional medicine approach is centred around identifying and addressing the root causes of chronic diseases and compromised health, rather than merely treating surface-level symptoms. By recognising that the most effective way to alleviate persistent symptoms is to uncover and resolve their underlying drivers, our practitioners prioritise optimising diet and lifestyle factors. Leveraging their expertise in areas such as genetics, nutrition, systems biology, and disease processes, our functional medicine experts strive to develop a comprehensive understanding of how lifestyle, genetic predispositions, and environmental factors uniquely interplay in each individual’s case. 


Autoimmune Conditions


Our approach to autoimmune is to look to understand the imbalance or trigger that caused the body to illicit an abnormal immune response. By looking at what is causing inflammation we can look to dampen and reverse the autoimmune response
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Our approach to Candida is to look at strengthening the immune system and readdress imbalances in the gut.
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IBS is poorly treated in traditional medicine. In Functional Medicine, we look at the root cause of what is causing your IBS symptoms rather than symptom management.
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Skin Health

Skin Health

Skin Health is a reflection of what is happening internally, especially gut health. By addressing inflammation and imbalances, we can improve skin health. At the clinic, we deal with Acne, Rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema.
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SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) is when there is too much bacteria in the small intestine. We look at the root cause of why this happened and aim to eliminate the overgrowth through various methods.
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Thyroid Conditons


We work with a wide range of conditions related to the thyroid including Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism. The key to thyroid health is looking at other systems such as the gut and the liver to determine if you are absorbing nutrients properly to support thyroid function.
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Womens Health

Women’s Health

In the context of women’s health, functional medicine often addresses a wide range of issues by examining the interplay between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health outcomes.
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Leaky Gut


Leaky gut is where the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged, allowing undigested food particles, toxic waste products, and bacteria to “leak” through the intestines and into the bloodstream. Leaky gut can contribute to multiple diseases including mental health, joint issues, skin issues in addition to multiple gut issues.
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Upon booking, you can expect to receive a health questionnaire that encompasses inquiries about your lifestyle, diet, environment, medical history, and overall health. This questionnaire is a vital tool in identifying your individual health challenges,


Typically, the second consultation is scheduled 4-6 weeks after the initial visit. During this follow-up appointment, your practitioner will assess your symptom progression since your last consultation and develop an action plan based on any relevant test results.


The frequency of visits will be tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient. During these consultations, we will evaluate the patient's progress and make any necessary adjustments to their plans and protocols in response.



We utilise specialised testing for a deeper understanding of where the imbalance lies that aren't used by traditional doctors.

Expert Team

We are a unique team of Integrative and functional medicine and nutritionists working collaboratively to get better patient outcomes.

Science Backed

Our practitioners use science and evidence-based approaches to ensure accurate, unbiased advice to create any treatment plan

Book a free 15 minute discovery call


The clinic is located in Hill Street, New Town, Edinburgh, however we are only doing online consultations

 including skype, zoom or google hangouts. 

Yes, a number of our patients use our video communications so they can connect with a functional medicine practitioner wherever they are locations If you are looking for functional medicine near me, the answer is, yes, we can it doesnt matter where your location is.

Functional medicine offers a comprehensive healthcare approach that encompasses numerous factors that may influence disease or health conditions. Rather than focusing solely on treating symptoms of chronic illnesses, functional medicine considers a patient’s complete picture, including their personal background, family dynamics, lifestyle choices, medical history, genetic predispositions, social factors, and nutritional status. This holistic perspective provides patients with a broader understanding of their health, enabling healthcare providers to tailor treatments that address the underlying causes and promote overall well-being.

Functional medicine adopts a comprehensive approach to tackling health challenges by delving into a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, nutrition, and lifestyle. Instead of perceiving the body as a collection of isolated systems, functional medicine embraces a systems biology-based methodology, aiming to uncover the fundamental causes of a condition and administer treatments that target these causes. This approach yields long-lasting benefits, as it focuses on resolving underlying issues, thereby promoting sustained well-being.

A one off consultation is £285 and invovles looking at past medical results & history, current medication or supplements, the consultation itself, a detailed report including testing recommendations, nutriton&dietary advice and lifestyle advice.

Our 3 month plan is £850. This option is best for those who want to commit to a period with a functional medicine practitoner to get a deeper understanding of the root cause of their  symptoms. Typically, we see a period of between 2 to 3 months for an improvement in symptoms. 

The Edinburgh Centre for Functional Medicine sees a considerable number of patients who suffer from persistent symptoms and have not obtained favorable outcomes from prior healthcare providers. To identify the root causes of their condition, we implement a comprehensive treatment approach that prioritizes educating each patient about their body and symptom management. Our functional medicine methodology takes into consideration various factors that contribute to the imbalance and highlights the necessity of accounting for different factors to achieve long-term positive health outcomes.

  • The Edinburgh Centre for Functional Medicine can benefit a wide arrange of issues:
  • Digestive Issues including (SIBO, Candida, GERD, H-Pylori)

  • Thyroid Issues

  • Lond Covid

  • AutoImmune Conditons
  • Sleep condition
  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Immune System Issue
  • Seasonal Allergiee
  • Women’s health conditions

  • Skin Health

  • Men’s Health Conditons including IBS/IBD and SIBO 

We currently dont take private medical insurance.

Generally we look at around 1 Initial Consultation and 3 to 5 follow ups. For more complicated conditions it can ongoing appointments every 4 to 6 weeks.

Talk with our team today to learn more about our bespoke programs on offer at the Edinburgh Centre for Functional Medicine.